The Practicing Toolkit

Over the past months I have been gathering everything I know (so far) about practicing and connecting it all into a coherent whole. I have created a provisional structure for it, called The Practicing Toolkit. These are the tools in the toolkit:

Tool 1. Your Vision

Tool 2. Your Commitment

Tool 3. Your Process

Tool 4. Your Head and Your Hands

Tool 5. Your Language

Tool 6. Your Notebook

Tool 7. Your Exercises

Tool 8. Your Devices

Tool 9. Your Attention

Tool 10. Your Practicing Technique

Each tool is a container for a lot of related ideas, strategies and tactics, some of which will belong in multiple containers.

The Toolkit.

The Toolkit.

That's the idea, at least. I don't yet know that these tools are the final ones. (I like them, though.) I don't yet know which ideas will fit best in which container. I don't yet know how to connect the containers. I don't yet know what I don't know. And I don't know which ideas are for everybody and which are mostly for me.

I've been looking at this material by myself for a long time; now I'm in need of more eyes, ears, brains and voices to help me sort, build, adjust, rebuild, readjust, polish and deliver it. I need your help.

Once the Practicing Toolkit exists as a coherent structure, I have several uses for it in mind. First of all, I hope it will be useful to anyone who practices. However, I know that the whole toolkit will not ring everybody's bells equally. For some people, one or two tools will have everything they need. Other people, who like the deep details more than everyone else, will want ways to learn and use and discuss it all.

I also want the Toolkit to work for people just getting started practicing. So there will be a way to teach it as well, in particular for beginners. And that means there will be resources specifically for music teachers.

That's the vision. The details will change as it evolves, but the vision should stay pretty constant.

Here's where you come it. I'm going to post here weekly with drafts, outlines, updates and questions. Think of everything I post here as me saying, “Hey - tell me what you think of this.” And I really do need to know. Is the writing clear? Does the idea make sense? Does it work for you? Did you hear the same thing from your teacher back in fifth grade? Have you tried it, and learned something I don't know? Am I missing something? Did I contradict myself? Have I put the same idea in two different places? Did one thing or another jump about at you, either because it was great or not so great?

All of it will be helpful.

I'll turn the comments on, and pay close attention to them. There will be an RSS feed, once I learn a little more about that, so that you can be updated when I post something. There's a link to email me at the bottom of every page on the site, so you can join the conversation that way, too. As I learn more I'll add more.

I've always been a guy who keeps his cards close to his vest, so this is a new idea – a whole new world – for me. (Thanks to Josh Skaja for suggesting it – check Josh out at GuitarOs.) I think the Practicing Toolkit will turn out immeasurably better with your input, so thank you!

Tom Heany

I’ve been practicing for 60 years. This is what I’ve learned.

Be a gardener.

